

Together we celebrate our individuality, supporting each other to learn, grow and flourish. 


  • To create a safe, supportive and stimulating learning environment in which all children can experience success.

  • To ensure all learning is secured according to the principles of ‘mastery’ – for children to have a deep understanding of concepts and skills and the ability to use and apply these.

  • To ensure the curriculum is well-taught and appropriately sequenced, including thoughtfully designed assessment practice and consideration of an appropriate model of progression.  

  • To teach, support and embed a ‘growth mindset’ for all children which encourages pupils to embrace challenge and build a community of resilient learners. 

  • To provide a rich curriculum and meaningful learning experiences, which give pupils a growing knowledge of the world in which they live and develop personal growth.

  • To promote social, moral, spiritual and cultural awareness so that children are well equipped to become active, respectful and responsible members of their community.

  • To regularly take learning beyond the classroom through utilising our local area and community and to assess opportunities further afield including whole school trips. 

Learning Skills and Growth Mindset

Through the provision of rich and varied activities, we aim to:

  • Enable pupils to securely acquire a broad range of knowledge, skills and understanding;

  • Enable pupils to make connections across areas of learning, to think creatively and solve problems;

  • Encourage pupils to work hard with a positive attitude and motivation to succeed;

  • Encourage pupils to seek and be resilient to challenge, and to learn from their mistakes;

  •  Develop pupils’ capacity to learn and work both independently and in collaboration with peers.

Organisation & Planning

Our curriculum is planned and developed in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Curriculum. Recently we have endeavoured to develop our curriculum to ensure it reflects our school vision . Each topic is carefully planned to incorporate our values, our environment (woodland & the River Eden), curiosity, community and spirtuality. We also aim to provide links to maths, English and science (where appropriate). 

Below are the several broad areas our curriculum is built upon: 

  • Personal, social, emotional  and spiritual development

  • Communication, language and literacy

  • Mathematical development

  • Knowledge and understanding of the world

  • Physical development

  • Creative development

Our long-term planning for each class is detailed on the class pages below. We have a rolling programme and hold regular reviews as a staff to ensure our curriculum is having a valuable effect on children's learning. 

Whole School Overview

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